About this site

This documentation is divided into three sections:

  • Quick start: a basic tutorial on using cy.
  • User guide: an introduction to cy's concepts and functionality.
  • Reference: a technical reference for cy's API, its default key bindings, and much more.

Documentation features

Key bindings

Key bindings are rendered like this: ctrl+a p [?].

The left portion is a sequence of keys that you can enter to trigger that key binding, which in this case is ctrl+a followed by p. In other words, hold control and hit the a key, release both keys, and then hit the p key.

The link on the right ([?]) points to the documentation for the Janet function that that key sequence executes.


This documentation makes extensive use of asciinema, a player for terminal sessions. It uses asciinema to demonstrate cy's functionality and teach you how to use it. The white section on the left side of the window in the session rendered below shows a history of all of the keys entered so you can easily follow along on your own.

These are generated in CI and therefore should always be up to date.