Creating a shell

To create a new shell, type ctrl+a j [?]. This creates a new pane running your default shell in your current working directory. You can return to the old one with ctrl+l [?]; this cycles between all of the panes in the current group. In cy, a group is just a container for panes or other groups.

Every group and pane in cy has a path, just like a file in a filesystem. The new shell you created has a path like /shells/3.

The collection of all groups and panes is referred to as the node tree. When you first start cy, the node tree looks like this:

/ (group)
├── /shells (group)
│   └── /2 (pane) <- you start here
└── /logs (pane)

And here's how it looks after you create a new shell with ctrl+a j [?]:

/ (group)
├── /shells (group)
│   ├── /2 (pane)
│   └── /3 (pane) <- now you're here
└── /logs (pane)

When you are attached to a pane in the /shells group, ctrl+l [?] cycles to the next sibling pane.