Entering replay mode

cy's records all of your terminal sessions in their entirety and lets you explore them at will in an interface called replay mode. Replay mode is conceptually similar to tmux's copy-mode, but also gives you access to time controls.

You open replay mode for a given pane by typing ctrl+a p [?]. You can also scroll up with the mouse if the pane's content is scrollable (such as when using a shell.)

Replay mode is powerful, but for basic usage you can use the following keys:

  • Step through time using left [?] and right [?]
  • Use space [?] to toggle playback
  • Go to the beginning of the recording with g g [?] and the end with G [?]
  • Quit with ctrl+c [?]

For more information, refer to the chapter dedicated to replay mode and the list of all of its key bindings.