Switching panes

cy allows you to quickly jump between panes using a built-in fuzzy finder. Try it out by hitting ctrl+a ; [?], which presents you with a list of all of the running panes.

The controls should be familiar to you if you have ever used a fuzzy finder:

  • Typing filters the list.
  • Use ctrl+j and ctrl+k (or the arrow keys) to move up and down.
  • Press enter to make a selection.
  • Quit without making a choice by typing ctrl+c or esc.

cy ships with a few different key bindings for choosing a pane:

  • ctrl+a k [?]: Jump to a project.
  • ctrl+a l [?]: Jump to a shell based on its current working directory.
  • ctrl+a : [?]: Jump to a pane by fuzzy-finding lines on the screen.

As you can tell, swapping to a new pane does not affect the existence of panes that are no longer on the screen.