

Some nodes have a :border property that determines the appearance of the node's borders. The border property can be one of the following keywords:

  • :normal
  • :rounded
  • :block
  • :outer-half
  • :inner-half
  • :thick
  • :double
  • :hidden
  • :none

:hidden still renders the border with blank cells; :none does not render a border at all.

Text styling

All string layout properties accept text styled with style/render (or style/text).

The layout shown in the monstrosity above was generated with the following code:

(def cmd1 (shell/new))
(def cmd2 (shell/new))
          (attach :id cmd1)
          :border-fg "6"
          :title (style/text "some pane" :fg "0" :bg "6")
          :title-bottom (style/text "some subtitle" :fg "0" :bg "6"))
          (pane :id cmd2)
          :border-fg "5"
          :title (style/text "some pane" :italic true :bg "5")
          :title-bottom (style/text "some subtitle" :italic true :bg "5"))
        :border-bg "3")
      :cols 70
      :border-bg "4")))