
All of cy's behavior is determined using a programming language called Janet, which is a fun, embeddable Lisp-like language that is easy to learn. If you are new to Janet, I recommend starting out with its documentation and Ian Henry's fantastic Janet for Mortals.

Janet looks like this:

(print "hello world!")

If that doesn't scare you, read on.

Configuration files

On startup, cy will search for and execute the first file containing Janet source code that it finds in the following locations. (cy adheres to the XDG base directory specification.)

  1. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cy/cyrc.janet
  2. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cyrc.janet
  3. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.cy.janet
  4. $HOME/cy/cyrc.janet
  5. $HOME/cyrc.janet
  6. $HOME/.cy.janet
  7. $HOME/.config/cy/cyrc.janet
  8. $HOME/.config/cyrc.janet
  9. $HOME/.config/.cy.janet

You can reload your configuration at runtime using action/reload-config, which by default is bound to ctrl+ar.

Your cy configuration can contain any valid Janet statement, but cy also provides additions to the standard library in the form of an API for controlling every aspect of how cy works.

Example configuration

An example configuration that uses functionality from this API is shown below. Very little of this will make sense right now; this is just to give you a taste of how configuration works in cy before moving on to the next section.

# Define a new action (which is just a function) with the name toast-pane-path
  # the name of the function by which it can be referenced in the current
  # scope
  # a (required) docstring for the action
  "show the path of the current pane"
  # all subsequent statements are executed when this action is invoked (usually
  # by a key binding)
  # (pane/current): gets the ID of the current pane
  # (cmd/path): gets the path of the pane with the given ID
  # (cy/toast): shows a toast popup in the top-right corner of the screen
  (cy/toast :info (cmd/path (pane/current)))

# Bind a key sequence to this function
(key/bind :root ["ctrl+a" "g"] toast-pane-path)