Default parameters

Note that this document omits the initial :. To change the value of a default parameter, you can do something like this:

(param/set :root :default-frame "big-hex")

animate animations data-directory default-frame default-shell num-search-workers remove-pane-on-exit


Type: :boolean

Default: true

Whether to enable animation.


Type: :array

Default: @[]

A list of all of the enabled animations that will be used by (input/find). If this is an empty array, all built-in animations will be enabled.


Type: :string

Default: ""

The directory in which .borg files will be saved. This is inferred on startup. If set to an empty string, recording to disk is disabled.


Type: :string

Default: ""

The frame used for all new clients. A blank string means a random frame will be chosen from all frames.


Type: :string

Default: "/bin/bash"

The default shell with which to start panes. Defaults to the value of $SHELL on startup.


Type: :number

Default: 0

The number of goroutines to use for searching in .borg files. Defaults to the number of CPUs.


Type: :boolean

Default: false

If this is true, when a pane's process exits or its node is killed (such as with tree/kill), the portion of the layout related to that node will be removed. This makes cy's layout functionality work a bit more like tmux.