Search mode

Using search mode you can search all of the terminal sessions you have recorded for a string literal or regex pattern. This works just like the search functionality found in replay mode, but over more than one terminal session at once.

You can access search mode using the action/search-borg action, which is bound by default to ctrl+a S [?]. This action prompts you for a query string and searches for that pattern in all of the .borg files present in your :data-directory.

Unlike replay mode, search mode behaves like a pane in the node tree: you can attach to, detach from, and rename it just like any other pane. The search/new API function can be used to create search mode nodes programmatically.


After a query finishes executing, search mode will load the .borg file for the first result in an instance of replay mode and prepopulate it with the results of the search.

You can move between matches inside of a .borg file in the same way you do normally in replay mode, using n [?] and N [?]. To move between .borg files in search mode, use ctrl+n [?] and ctrl+p [?] to move to the next and previous results, respectively.

It can be convenient to run another search in an existing search mode instance. To do so, hit the : [?] key, type a query string, and press enter.

Search mode is not very complicated, but it does have its own isolated binding scope should you wish to rebind its controls.