Changing the layout

When you first connect, cy creates a new pane and attaches to it.

By default, cy centers the pane and fills the rest of the horizontal space with a patterned background it calls the frame. If your terminal is smaller than the minimum number of columns (80 by default), cy will not show a background.


cy refers to the configuration of the content shown on your screen as the layout. Unlike tmux, every client on the cy server has their own layout that can be configured independently of other clients. The layout shown above has a single pane that has its horizontal sized fixed to 80 columns.

Panes and splits

cy's has pane and split functionality that should feel familiar to users of tmux. Like other terminal multiplexers, in cy you can divide your screen up into any number of panes. This can be done with ctrl+a - [?] to split the current pane along a horizontal line and ctrl+a | [?] to split along a vertical one.

After creating a few, you can move between them using directional keys:

  • ctrl+a K [?] or ctrl+a up [?] to move up
  • ctrl+a J [?] or ctrl+a down [?] to move down
  • ctrl+a H [?] or ctrl+a left [?] to move left
  • ctrl+a L [?] or ctrl+a right [?] to move right


cy also has tabs:

  • ctrl+a t [?] to create a new tab
  • ctrl+a R [?] to rename the current tab
  • ctrl+a tab [?] to move to the next tab
  • ctrl+a shift+tab [?] to move to the previous tab

Removing layout nodes

You can also remove panes from your layout with ctrl+a x [?]. However, it is important to note that unlike in other terminal multiplexers, removing a pane from your layout does not kill it; you can still attach to it again, such as by using ctrl+a ; [?]. To remove it from your layout and kill the underlying process, you can use ctrl+a X [?].


The outer margins can be adjusted or disabled with a few keybindings. Note that these will only have an effect if your terminal is wider than 80 columns and the margins are visible.

  1. To make the inner pane fill the entire viewport, type ctrl+a g [?].
  2. To set the width of the inner pane to 80 columns, type ctrl+a 1 [?].
  3. To set it to 160 columns, type ctrl+a 2 [?].